Everything I do is rooted in

Science, Psychology, & Spirituality

… but I call it Magic


This is Subconscious Work that works!

I’m here to support you on your healing, expansion, and manifestation journey.

When you "get the call" that there is something out there besides the every day, 9-5 grind...

When you begin to hear the whispers and wishes of your heart...

When you feel the pull toward healing and expansion...

When you're ready to raise your vibe and manifest the life of your dreams...

I'll be right here waiting for you, to be your mentor, to be your guide.

I'll help you get unstuck and level up. It's your time to shine!

Whether you're ready to work in a group of like-hearted souls or you're ready to invest in yourself by working one-on-one with me I've developed a holistic system of group events and programs, private healing sessions, and a private coaching and mentorship container that will support you along the way.

Regardless of where you are in your spiritual healing journey, I’m here for you.

Figure out how I can help below.

“It’s remarkable to be in a group of open-minded people all interested in healing. I’ve personally discovered self-love and connection to the world through Melissa’s guided breathwork and it’s been invaluable.” ~ A.S.

Where are you on your spiritual growth journey?

I’m ready to clear away the blocks preventing me from living my best life.

In a private 1:1 session, get answers that take you leaps closer to your highest self, and bring peace & clarity to your next step in your journey.

What you can expect in our one-on-one session:

  • A thorough intention-setting process where you tell me what's on your heart, what you believe is blocking you from the life you want, and what your intention is for the time we're working together
  • During your session, I'll guide you on a journey of healing and expansion while holding you in a safe container. We'll use a combination of my favorite tools to help you discover and remove conscious and unconscious beliefs, behaviors, and barriers that are preventing you from living the life you were meant to live
  • We'll go straight to the subconscious where you can access insights & awareness, repattern limiting beliefs, remove destructive behaviors, heal your heart, and expand into the fullest expression of your most authentic self
  • The tools and modalities I use include Cacao for opening your heart, Conscious Connected Breathwork for clearing stuck energy and connecting to the Quantum Field, Reiki for helping you relax and release emotional blocks in your body, thus increasing your own life-force flow, and Quantum Healing Hypnosis (Beyond Quantum Healing - BQH) and Hypnotherapy for connecting to the Quantum field and receiving guidance from your Higher Self, Inner Child, Past, Parallel or Future versions of your self, Guides, Angels and more... just like the Quantum Field the possibilities are endless
  • We can meet in my studio in the Kansas City area or virtually, I can even travel to you
  • All Session options are listed below

It’s time for you to stop self-sabotaging, and jump out of the suffering cycle so you can heal, expand and manifest the life you're meant to live.

“[Melissa’s] voice is like warm water. I felt deeply connected with myself and I felt the floor move beneath me as if plates of the universe were shifting.” ~A.B.

I’m ready to live a High-Vibe, Magical Life!

4 months of 1:1, personalized coaching & mentorship to help you identify, connect with, and become your highest self

When you're ready to uplevel, but there is something massively in your way, we can work together for long-term coaching.

In our 4 months together, we'll meet regularly with time for integration in between.

We'll work intensively to:

  • Identify the gaps between where you are now and where you want to be
  • Uncover what's holding you back, what's getting in the way (bad habits, limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging behaviors, negative thought patterns & more)
  • Work on creating a toolbox of healthy coping tools to support your nervous system moving you from a stress-out state (fight-flight-freeze) to a calming, easeful state (rest-digest)
  • Go safely go into the subconscious to find the source then reprogram and rewrite the code from the inside out using my favorite tools including Conscious Connected Breathwork, Quantum Healing Hypnosis, and Energy Healing
  • Heal anything breaking your heart, preventing you from living life through a lens of love, and awakening your expanded consciousness.
  • Get you back into alignment, find your most authentic self, and live your soul’s purpose

Are you ready to get unstuck and level up? Learn more about my coaching program here or schedule a discovery call.

Schedule a discovery call now!

“Melissa’s gift has helped me tap into my own ability to drop out of my critical thinking mind and soar. I’ve been able to raise my vibration, open my heart and soul to what my true path is and start truly falling in love with myself.” ~E.R.

This is all new to me... I'm so curious.

Join me at one of my upcoming group events.

My group events may include one or all of the following:

  • Opening your heart through a sacred Cacao Ceremony
  • Connecting to the Quantum Field with Quantum Hypnosis and/or Conscious Connected Breathwork
  • Bringing awareness to your dreams and desires through guided, reflective journaling
  • Helping you identify what's holding you back and where you're getting in your own way
  • Clearing away stuckness and stagnation and raising your frequency and vibration during a Breathwork Journey
  • Connecting to a community of like-hearted souls on similar paths
  • Becoming your most magnetic, authentic self

Let's get started. Click here to see all of my current group events, workshops, and retreats including Sunset Breathwork.

You got this. I'm right here with you.

Find group events, workshops, and retreats here

Curious about working with me but not sure where to start?

That’s great! I'm here to help you get unstuck and level up! This is Subconscious Work that works! Let's chat about the how.

Schedule your private discovery call today. During our call, you'll get a chance to tell me where you're needing extra support and I'll tell you what I offer, then we'll see if there's a match. 💖

Let's chat!

“I very much appreciated the opportunity to go within and I feel really good for doing so <3. Thank you Melissa!” ~C.W.

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